20 most common plastic products found in the environment (and alternatives!)

10 organizations partnered to create the B.A.N. List 2.0 (Better-Alternatives-Now).

These organizations united to examine publicly available data sources in the United States to determine which plastics perform the worst from a pollution standpoint (e.g. what’s found in the environment). Here are the 20 worst plastic products/packaging for the environment along with better and best alternatives:

The authors note that their analysis adds to a growing body of data highlighting the urgent need to phase out these harmful plastics and build systems of circularity. Better alternatives are needed now through regulatory action and/or voluntary efforts. The B.A.N. List 2.0 (Better-Alternatives-Now) full report provides valuable insights to help move things forward, and we can all do our part to minimize the use of these products and keep them out of the environment!

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