
Our identification as a cooperative or co-op stems from a shared responsibility to move toward a sustainable society and recognition of the valuable work being done by various individuals and organizations worldwide. Utilizing research-backed insights and resources from these sustainability-minded leaders, The Sustainability Co-Op inspires environmental sustainability locally & considers the context globally.

To us, sustainability is understanding causes and effects; it’s long-term thinking rather than short-term; it’s a global and local perspective; it’s about conserving rather than exploiting; it’s realizing that humans are a part of nature, not separate from it; and it’s an opportunity to transform our society for the better.

Since 2013, The Sustainability Co-Op has been managed by a handful of official members who work in sustainability in the United States, Europe, and Latin America and enjoy collaborating on articles and events. We have contributed articles to The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and our own blog as well as organized events in California, New York, Florida, and Texas that brought people together to inspire new opportunities and shift toward sustainability. These days, The Sustainability Co-Op is leaning into the local perspective open to collaboration on sustainable events and strategies around Central Texas (e.g., Austin, Smithville, Bastrop, Lockhart).


Email: sustainabilitycooperative@gmail.com

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